Hard Money Loans

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These brief descriptions highlight the key benefits of Adhoc Capital Corp’s services efficiently.


Bridge Loans

Bridge Loan product can accommodate larger loans, up to $10 million in size Ideal for Mixed-Use, Commercial, and Industrial properties Allows to purchase and stabilize property prior to refinancing Verbal pre-approvals provided on the phone, and same day written pre-approvals Funding within 1-2 weeks

Starting at 10% interest rate 1.5 – 2% origination fee No other fees — we mean it, zero. First Lien Only West Forest Capital will order appraisal and perform credit check No minimum FICO Existing appraisals are accepted in time sensitive situations Phase 1 environmental report required on select industrial properties Insurance policy listing West Forest Capital as loss payee and additional insured Builder’s risk insurance on extensive rehab projects

AdhocDSCR Rental Loans

Rental loans are a great way to finance investment properties that produce cashflow Targeted for Buy and Hold investors Excellent source of long-term financing Refinance a Bridge Loan upon property stabilization Avoid the traditional bank process and still achieve low long-term financing